Do You Have a Winning Super Bowl Strategy for 2016 for your PR and Marketing?

PR and Marketing professionals have already begun tackling their objectives for 2016 in full force, much like the Denver Broncos defense in the Super Bowl. If we approached our Visual Storytelling, Influencer Marketing, and Self Publishing game plan the way the Broncos did, our chances of victory would certainly improve in our favor!

I’m fortunate to see a variety of examples of top level PR and Marketing tactics in my job, working with Fortune 500 clients and leading organizations throughout the globe, so I thought I would share a couple “plays” with you that might bring success this year.

Credit: National Football League

OK, so you’ve got your MVP CMS, you’ve got a dynamic PR and Marketing Visual Storytelling playbook, now you need to find the people in the crowd that can sell tickets to your game. Influencer Marketing is not just another buzz word like Visual Storytelling, it’s a proven tactic that leverages the strength of connections and engagements of someone in your audience and utilizes their positive angle on your products and services. That might be your favorite blogger who writes on your company or industry, or maybe a journalist who covers your sector - either way, you need to foster those relationships and share your story with them so they can promote you on their own. It gives you the chance to increase your audience while having an objective third party help in your efforts.

You’ve got to score touchdowns, win games, and get more fans to watch your team play. Distribution, whether by a news release over a newswire, an email blast to your targeted audiences, or just a social media post, serves the single purpose of driving traffic back to your website or Online News Center and increasing your audience. As long as the content you’re distributing is engaging, includes attractive visuals, and tells your story in a way that makes your audience want more, then your Distributed Content is successful.

We saw Sunday during the Super Bowl what a well executed game plan looks like. PR and Marketing strategies are no different. We achieve victories by controlling the plays, visualizing our story for our fans, increasing our fan base, and constantly sending news and information downfield. If that sounds like a winning plan to you, and you’d like our help, let us know, and we’ll be glad to share our expertise with you.