• Blog Post
  • by JD Bowles
  • July 02, 2014

The Founding Fathers, Social Media and a Happy July Fourth!

238 years ago when the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence I doubt they envisioned that we would

communicate via Twitter and Facebook rather than parchment and a quill pen. I can imagine Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, men of great quotes and greater wit, would have probably enjoyed sharing their thoughts with the world via Social Media. I haven’t been able to find any black and white Pinterest images of them at a signing party either!  

None the less, they help to start the greatest nation on Earth, and while we tweet our latest thoughts or post our most recent news let’s all take a moment and thank those who came before us who made our freedoms a reality.

On behalf of the entire iPR Software family, I wish you all a safe and Happy 4th of July weekend!

JD Bowlesa
President & COO